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7 Reasons You Should Drink Wine in The Morning

Thu, Oct 27, 22

We sip it at dinner or at a party with friends. We desire it after a long day. It always finds its way on a  celebration table. Wine relaxes our mind, soothes our bodies, and brings a smile on our face after a stressful day. But have you ever wondered if and why you should drink wine in the morning?

Beyond mental happiness, drinking wine can be good for your physical health when it comes in moderate consumption.

A drink of wine is a 5-ounce pour. And when we say “moderate drinking,” we refer to what is clinically considered to be healthy. Things are simple; women must not consume more than one glass a day. Men must not consume more than two.

And now that you’re well aware of what means healthy wine drinking pour yourself a glass to sip while you find out why you should drink wine in the morning.

1. Wine Contains Antioxidants

Wine could be your best ally in the battle to fighting off the free radicals that cause terrible health issues including cancer. Wine is loaded with antioxidants, tiny molecules that attack free radicals whenever needed.

If you’re drinking wine for antioxidants, go with white. A study conducted by the University of Barcelona showed that the phenols in white wine had the same amount, if not more antioxidants than red wine. This is at least interesting because most wine drinkers commonly believe red wine provides the most health benefits when consumed in moderate amounts. 

Whenever specialists talk about healthy living and longevity, it is impossible to not hear about the Mediterranean diet time and time again. At the core of that diet, beyond vegetables and extra virgin olive oil, there is wine. Apparently, there is something magical inside the daily glass of wine that increases lifespan.

Wondering what? Well, that magical thing is resveratrol. Researchers at Harvard University found that resveratrol activates a protein that acts as an anti-aging agent. Its interaction increases overall health, thus promoting longevity. If living a longer life is not enough reason to drink a glass of wine, then I don’t know what else is.

2. Wine Boosts The Immune System

Okay, perhaps you shouldn’t stop taking your daily vitamins just yet, but drinking a glass of wine every day will give your immune system a boost.

Moderate consumption of alcohol wards off infections and keeps your immune system in check. Don’t get too carried away, though. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to negative effects that defeat the whole purpose or drinking wine for an immunity boost.

Resveratrol is under the magnifying glass once more; apparently, this substance not only helps protect you against cardiovascular disease and cancer, it also helps immunity.

According to scientists, the alcohol itself has protective qualities and boosts the effectiveness of vaccination. Associate professors in biomedical sciences even claim the average person can undoubtedly benefit from drinking a glass of wine at any hour of the day, even in the morning.

3. Wine Increases Bone Density

With age advancement, our bones get brittle. Although you could increase the calcium intake by drinking milk and eating leafy greens, you can also do yourself a real favor and sip on a relaxing glass of wine.

Red wine, in particular, has high levels of calcium, which is great for your bone mineral density. Wine increases the density and reduces the chance of osteoporosis. And it may help you doze off at night.

Recent evidence has shown that resveratrol, the magnificent compound naturally found in red wine, nuts, and  grapes, can help prevent cardiovascular disease by increasing levels of high-density lipoprotein, also known as “good” cholesterol.

A study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism has revealed that resveratrol may also increase spinal bone density in men with metabolic syndrome. The study also cited resveratrol as a viable treatment option for osteoporosis.

4. Wine Reduces The Risk Of Heart Disease

According to research, the tannins found in red wine contain procyanidins, a type of phenols which neutralize free radicals and that have been shown to be effective in preventing heart and cardiovascular disease. A study by researchers at the Haifa Institute of Technology in Israel tested the effects of red wine on the health of the cardiovascular system.

The researchers found that after 21 consecutive days of consumption, the health of blood vessel cell was enhanced, improving blood flow. This fact means wine consumption increases the health of the heart, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The study is not exactly a novelty, since red wine, drank in moderation, has long been thought of as healthy for the heart. Moreover, the alcohol and specific substances in red wine called antioxidants may help prevent coronary artery disease, the condition that leads to heart failure and heart attacks.

Although the connections between red wine and fewer heart attacks aren’t yet completely understood, it seems that part of the benefit might be that antioxidants may increase the levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, also known as “good” cholesterol, and protect the blood vessels against cholesterol buildup.

While this news about red wine might sound great if you enjoy sipping a glass of red wine with your meal, doctors are wary of encouraging anyone to start drinking alcohol, especially those who have a family history of alcohol abuse.

In fact, it has also been shown that too much alcohol can have many harmful effects on your body. Nevertheless, many doctors agree that substances in red wine appear to help your heart. Not only antioxidants, such as flavonoids or a substance called resveratrol, have heart-healthy benefits, but drinking wine is also great for your psyche.

5. Wine Lowers Cholesterol

Do you have high bad cholesterol levels and no dietary guidelines? Pour yourself a bowl of your Cheerios in the morning and drink some wine alongside it. Substances called procyanidins and found in red wine are shown to promote a healthy heart also reduce cholesterol levels.

Moreover, the famous resveratrol also decreases LDL cholesterol levels while increasing the HDL cholesterol levels.

Not only, but red wine also benefits blood pressure. In other words, if you’re suffering from high blood pressure, just go and pour yourself a glass. If you’re having trouble keeping on the good side your cholesterol levels, sip on a daily glass of healthy red wine.

Several studies have found that people who drink wine in moderation have lower rates of heart disease, and might even live longer than those who don’t drink alcohol at all. The wine has also been tied to a lower risk of blood clots and decreased levels of inflammation markers.

Many scientists believe the main benefit of wine comes from its ability to raise the HDL cholesterol levels, the “good” type that helps clean your arteries from bad cholesterol deposits and protects against a heart attack. Red wine, in particular, could offer the greatest benefit when it comes to lowering the risk of heart disease because it contains higher levels of natural plant chemicals, such as resveratrol, that have antioxidant properties and could protect artery walls.

6. Wine Reduces The Risk Of Stroke

It has also been shown that moderate consumption of wine, and alcohol in general, as a matter of fact, can prevent blood clotting.

It seems that wine acts as a natural blood thinner, breaking up any blood clots that could lead to a stroke.

Although the lower risk of blood clotting is more beneficial to women, men can also draw their advantages. Once again, it’s red wine, in particular, that contains phenols that act as a blood thinner in similar regard to aspirin. And once again, it’s resveratrol is mostly to thank.

A study done by John Hopkins Medical Center showed that resveratrol found in the skin of red grapes could protect against stroke when the grapes were turned into wine. Beware though, while light to moderate drinking could be good in preventing a stroke, the heavy drinkers are more likely to achieve the opposite effect.

Like all good things in life, moderation is key. It may sound weird, but drinking a glass of wine is like food for the brain. Drinking a single glass of wine in the morning was shown to improve brain function. The compounds found in red wine actually prevent the neurons from dying off.

As a result, red wine protects the brain from dementia while slowing the onset of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s  and Alzheimer’s. So, the next time you do brain exercises, make sure to drink a glass of wine to help you gear up.

7. Wine Reduces The Risk Of  Diabetes

Let’s face it, flat out, diabetes sucks. Once you’ve been diagnosed, say goodbye to indulging in cravings without considering the health repercussions which often result in more than a bigger waistline.

Yet, there is good news! And the good news is that if you are at risk for type 2 diabetes, a glass of wine in the morning may help.

It’s the resveratrol once again, as this substance has been proven to improve sensibility to insulin. With the insulin resistance contributing to type 2 diabetes risk, a nice glass of wine makes the list of things you can enjoy. In the battle against cancer, wine may be on your side. The risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer can be reduced by drinking a glass of wine.

The antioxidants in the beverage combat those free radicals which allow cancer to thrive. Red wine is especially beneficial, as the resveratrol fights not only against heart disease, it also fights against tumor cells.

Researchers found that men who drink four to seven glasses of red wine per week on average are only 52 percent as likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer as those who don’t drink wine at all. Moreover, red wine appears to be particularly protective against advanced or aggressive cancers.

Not that we need another excuse for drinking wine, but if it can help against the vicious battle against cancer, then I’d happily pour myself a glass. If you’re looking for a red rich in resveratrol, then opt for a nice glass of cabernet sauvignon.

So, do yourself a favor, pour a glass of wine and toast to your health.